Saturday, May 17, 2008


I think we all remember those grade school days when no problem couldn't be solved without a good solid cry and a hug from mommy followed by your favourite snack that magically appears before you.Somegow you knew ,you always knew, that with mom n dad around to talk to no worry would weigh on your mind for long,no situation was too hard to resolve.

Growing up definetly has some major stinkers but nothing is as heart-breaking as realising that your parents can't make your troubles vanish anymore. They are not forgotten with a peck on the cheek and all the reassurances in the world or even an extra serving of dessert. Nope, your parents learn to stand painfully helpless while they watch you day after day fight those inner demons yourself .Sure they can help comfort you and assure you insistently that everything will be alright but that last bit of wisdom, understanding and hope required to help you get through has only one source, yourself.

I'd like to think some good comes out of this ,its too depressing to think of otherwise and I wouldn't see any point to me writing this.So heres an attempt at finding that silver lining.Some how from that first wobbly flight from our parents comfy nest we find our true innerselves. We find out that our soul is ridiculously stubborn to be happy and go on with hope, we don't give up on ourselves ever, there is always a little voice n our head telling us to throw off the covers get dressed and live our lives the best way we can ,that is with a smile on our face.Adversity helps us discover what we're really made of, how long we can hold on and I believe it is this knowledge of ourselves that is our greatest power.

Troubles most certainly grow as you do the same ,but what every human being knows which helps him cope or prepare for the worst is that he doesn't have to depend on the soft cooing and hugs anymore (although they do help and are completely welcome!), he has all he needs, himself and God.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

*happy sigh*

We all know that when we look back on those three binders in our memory labelled good ,bad and ugly we all have certain grey area ones .....things we'd feel too silly casting into the ugly pile but can't bear the thought of having them in our good pile...stick with me here I might come with a point for all this...on this page..maybe......right so back to the folders,There are some that are just way too awesome to be in a silly binder ,I'd like to think their stored in a little Jewelley box in your head,their the ones that help you through a bad time reminding you that things weren't always this bad and giving you hope that there are always new additions in the box. I was thinking back and trying to decide why did some memories make the cut to be "more than fine" ones....Is it birthdays ? Naw too awkward and embarassing......Getting good marks on a test ? Lasts for a short while and dies around the time you've heard your Mom announce it to maybe half the earth's population.......Receiving a new gadget ? Well...the potential is there but Im sorry Dad this didn't make it either....The awesome ones aren't planned for , half the time their not even expected, they suprise you, like a cool breeze on a stifling summer day.No one but you yourself can understand what that moment or a series of moments meant to you...they are your mind's treasure....except they are treasure that can never be stolen ,they are yours forever no matter what.They are few ,there's no doubt about that, I don't think we'd remain rooted to the ground if we had more than a few of those happen to us, we'd be ethereal beings floating a wide space above ground with foolish smiles on our slightly smug faces. Theres no use if your simply considering a few decent memories to go into this league. They can't. You would know instantly about the ones that really stood out and would have been nodding along while reading upto the last sentences.Cheers Folks !